Barriers to physical therapy practice in cancer patients: Cross-sectional study

  • Rabia Liaquat Dar ul Sehat Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Misbah Ghous Riphah College of Rehabilitation and Allied Health Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Sania Khawar Kiyani Riphah College of Rehabilitation and Allied Health Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Maria Kanwal Combined Military Hospital, Hyderabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Barriers, Cancer, Physical Therapy, Physical Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy


Background: High cancer prevalence has been reported in Pakistan while concerning the multidisciplinary management approach the substantial percentage of population needs physical rehabilitation facility. On individual basis physical therapists have reported certain hurdles and barriers in rehabilitating the cancer patients, however, there is no published evidence that highlights such barriers. Therefore, it is essential to recognize those barriers so that these could be managed and addressed effectively for future.

Objectives: The study aimed to determine the barriers to physical therapy practice among cancer.

Methods: This was a cross sectional survey and the total number of participants included in the study were 403. The sampling method used was non-probability convenience sampling technique. The duration of the study was 6 months. Study was conducted in these hospitals; CMH, NORI Cancer Hospital, Fauji Foundation, PIMS, Shifa International Hospital and Holy Family Hospital. Data was collected through semi structured questionnaire, Godin leisure-time exercise and ONS Fatigue Scale. The study included patients with all types of cancers, at any stage of cancer, with the age bracket 20-70 years.

Results: Most of the barriers to physical activity reported by patients were; weakness (87%), poor endurance (54%), financial issues (46%), numbness in hand and feet (45%), joint stiffness (36%), procrastination (7%), a lack of knowledge (6%), lack of motivation (6%), lack of priority (4%), , lack of confidence (3%), safety issues (3%), time constraints (3%), and lack of support (2%).

Conclusion: The study concluded that the main barriers to physical therapy exercise treatment included physical symptoms and surplus attentiveness regarding exercise programs, financial constraints, and lack of knowledge, priority, motivation, confidence, support and safety issues.

Research Articles